Street Fighter 3 Third Strike Rules/Info

All tournaments and ranking battles will be held in either The White Room at Bucks New Uni or the bar next- door. They will usually start at 6pm.

Tickets are available on the day, I will endeavor to make sure everyone who turns up will be able to play but make sure you are on time!!!


Ranking battles will be held on a weekly basis on Tuesdays in the White Room at BNU


The pricing for taking part in ranking battles is the same as a nights gaming, just £5 PP

  • 32-person max, double-elimination (you must loose twice in order to be out)
  • Blind character pick if you wish – players tell refs who they intend to choose
  • Standard 99 second rounds
  • No handicaps
  • Best of 3 rounds each match
  • Best of 3 matches to proceed as victor
  • Character lock to winner – only looser can switch characters
  • You CAN change ultras



These are cash prize tournaments, 70% of the entry fee is donated to the cash pot for the prize for the winners.
The other 30% goes to me and my staff team who need to be payed for there hard work.

We will be providing TE Fightsticks and pads for anyone who requests them.
As stated later please feel free to bring your own sticks and pads.

You don't have to play in the tournament to come down, if you have friends in the event feel free to play some casual games, you will only have to pay our standard low fee of £5 for the use of the consoles.

Registration is from 12-5pm, please be organised as i will accept no more entrys after 5pm

The tournaments starts at 6pm on the dot so be ready. We will have periodic breaks but aside from that be ready when we call your name.

The union will kindly be providing cheap drinks just for us gamers.

The venue will be open till 12 midnight so this should be a really descent and unique experience for those of you who have yet to enter a tournament.


  • 32-person max, double-elimination (you must loose twice in order to be out)
  • Blind character pick if you wish – players tell refs who they intend to choose
  • Standard 99 second rounds
  • No handicaps
  • Best of 3 rounds each match
  • Best of 3 matches to proceed as victor
  • Character lock to winner – only looser can switch characters
  • Ultra lock to winner - only looser can switch ultras


On the day there will typically be 2-3 SF3 3S setups, all on 360
There will sometimes be an additional 2 casual setups.

All setups run on 22" LG plasma displays, there is a projector display for finals and casual use as well as a second projector which is exclusively for projecting the tournament brackets for all to see. 

Feel free to bring whatever controllers you like but you have been warned we only run 360 set-ups!

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