Obviously the game is yet to be released but here are some preliminary rules to give you guys an idea of what to expect from us when the game is released.


  • Number of Maps: 3
  • Number of Rounds: 8
  • Round Switch: Every Round
  • Round Length: 3 min
  • Bomb Timer: 45 sec
  • Plant Time: 7.5 sec
  • Defuse Time: 7.5 sec
  • Multi-Bomb: Disabled
  • Score Limit: 4 points

    Player Options:
  • Number of Lives: 1
  • Respawn Delay: None
  • Max Health: Normal
  • Health Regeneration: Normal
  • Killcam: Disabled

    Team Options
  • Spectating: Team Only
  • Wave Spawn Delay: None
  • Friendly Fire: Enabled

    Gameplay Options
  • Headshots Only: Disabled
  • Perks: Enabled
  • Killstreak Rewards: Enabled
  • Hardcore Mode: Disabled
  • 3rd Person: Disabled
  • 203/Grenade Launcher: Disabled
  • Shotgun: Enabled
  • Tactical Insertion: Disabled
  • Blast Shield: Enabled
  • Claymore: Disabled
  • C4: Disabled
  • Secondary Launchers: Disabled
  • Akimbo: Disabled
  • Bling: Disabled
  • Danger Close: Disabled
  • Commando: Disabled
  • Ninja: Disabled

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