Marvel Vs Capcom 3 Tournament Rules


Sign in is usually from 4-6pm please be on time.

The union will kindly be providing cheap drinks just for us gamers.

The venue will be open untill 12 midnight


Entry fees for weekly tournaments is typically £5 per person


32-person max, double-elimination (you must loose twice in order to be out)
Standard 99 second rounds
Each match is 1 round as is the way with MVC games
Best of 3 matches to proceed as victor
Character/team lock to winner – only looser can switch characters/teams
Please refer to the general Barcade rules page here


Its always a 360 tournament!!!!
There, I've said it, so no complaining I haven't made it clear from the start.

On the day there will typically be 4 or 5 Marvel vs Capcom setups, all on 360

All setups run on 22" LG plasma displays in HD, there is a projector display for finals and casual use as well as a second projector which is exclusively for projecting the tournament brackets for all to see.

Feel free to bring whatever controllers you like but you have been warned this is a 360 only tournament!!!

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