Old news Round-Up

The blog is undergoing an overhaul, as a result the gaming news and fighting game sections are no more and will be incorporated as general posts so that each video post is properly dated. What follows is all the previous video posts from these pages for archive purposes.

Breaking News: Dead Space 2 leads to underwear shortage
The first game really hit the mark for me, I'm an atmosphere junkie so I played it with the lights off and in 5.1 surround sound, which, I think, is the easiest way to a new pair of underpants. 
It was a truly scary game, and now there's another one, well at least Primark has cheap boxers.

Black Ops set for November release
Here's a sneak preview of what the multi-player will be like, pretty sweet I think you'll agree.
Fifa 11 On the way!!!
Well another year another Fifa, here's hoping they've gotten rid of halfway line goals (im talking to you PHIL!!!!).

Deus Ex is Back!!! 
Deus ex is back and oh my god its good, finally a good Ghost in the Shell game lol. Easily the best trailer I've seen this year.

Fake trailer alert underneath , its pretty good though.

GEARS 3 Gets April 2011 Release Date
The third installment of the Gears of War series features a four-player cooperative campaign, new playable characters, and hideous, mutating enemies..... Again but hey it was great last time so expect more of the same.

Warhammer 40000: Space Marine
Ok before I start on this one let me just say that I have worked for Games Workshop in the past and no I don't have long hair, lots of tattoos, B.O that makes small children cry and I have talked to a girl in real life not just over the internet. (Its fun to geek bash even when you are one) For the record I still love GW, I pop into the shops now and again to check out what crazy stuff they have come out with. Whats always been good about GW stuff is the shear scale and general epicness of their designs, its all out of proportion in a Heavy Metal, Judge Dred kind of way and I think that THQ and Relic have done a really great job of making it all move in a believable way.  

Project Natal actually works!?#, cant wait to get my hands on this, well not actually on this because its hands free it seems. Is the future of fighting games just beating up your mate? If so, then we dont need to go out in Wycombe, we can get a kicking in the comfort of our own homes. 'Microsoft.... making pain easier'

Halo Reach SP Revealed
Let me just say that I've never been a big Halo fan, I've always thought anyone above the age of twelve should look at Halo and realise that they've played that game already only last time it was Half-Life, Doom, Quake etc... which were better games and that was just pre- 2000. Then I saw this and well.... im interested so mark me down for at least four copies for the Barcade!!!!!

MK has never really been as good as it was in the 90's, its missing that thrill that you got as a kid knowing that you really shouldn't be playing this game but your mum just didn't know how ridiculously gory it was. Since the 90's though MK games have just been one bad experiment after another. Until now that is, you just get the feeling from watching this that you really shouldn't be allowed to play this. Welcome back MK FINISH HIM!!!!

Here's where I post any nice info and vids for SSF4 players and Capcom fans to enjoy.
Yun And Yang Confirmed For SSF4 Arcade
There is a massive flood of info on these two now heres a few links to more vids.
SSF4. If you are unfamiliar with SF3 3rd Strike then check out these vids of the characters.
Dont expect to see these crazy combos in SF4 as the combo system is very different but these two will probably be high mid tier at the very least.
If the rumors are true these two will be available when the Arcade version is released in November 2010, here's the screenshot that started all the rumors:

KOF 13 
Ok so its not strictly Capcom news but I recently found some great footage of high level play in KOF 13, it looks worlds better than KOF 12 in my opinion. I used to enjoy KOF and 12 was such a let down, no story, no real balancing and too few characters. 13 seems to have fixed all that, its a joy to watch in motion, even the presentation is top notch. Well done SNK!!!!

Eventhubs posted some new footage of the upcoming Street fighter X Tekken game.
Its not that revealing but it does show more of the moves in action.

No thats not a typo its the Namco version that will complete the two game stand-off with Capcom, and heres some pics of Ryu in all his Tekken glory. He looks quite good but lets see if he moves as well as Kazuya did in Capcoms version.
Twitter Pics of Street Fighter X Tekken - Works in Progress!
Underneath Nina Yashinori Ono (Capcom SF4 producer) wrote;
"Take that!! Ha Ha Ha!! That'll show you!!"
I love that little guy.

A great panoramic pic of EVO was posted on SRK all I have to say is wow, just wow. See if you can spot Capcoms special advisor Seth Killian having lunch, I guess for him it was just tuesday.

EVO 2010 RAP
This ones for you Sparkman
A guy called redrapper released a short rap to Cody's theme from SSF4, he may look and sound like EMINEM's overweight hispanic older brother but its actually not that bad.

SUPER SF4 Character Tutorials
Option-select.com are putting out the best character tutorials I have ever seen for any fighting game, to visit the site go to: http://www.option-select.com/
Here's a sneak peak: 

Never did I ever think for a second that they would actually release this, and now they tell us we have to wait two years. Oh well SF FTW!!

Eventhubs have posted more Street Fighter X Tekken screenshots find them here:http://www.eventhubs.com/news/2010/aug/12/more-street-fighter-x-tekken-screen-shots/

Omg Omg its Marvel Vs Capcom 3!!!
After ten years its finally here and its so damn pretty. Just see for yourself and don't forget to check out deadpool.

Why Deadpool will be the funniest character in any fighting game:

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